labour, child, misuse, organization, human rights, children rights, conventionAbstract
Is not a new phenomenon that there are some children who work in hard and inhuman conditions. It is thought that there is a misuse when a child works in extraordinary hard and inhuman conditions, with a low or no salary, in unhealthy conditions (handling dangerous machines or chemical substances). However, there is no misuse of child labour in the case it does housework helping its parents, earns pocket money in free time or participates in family business.
Not every child working is a victim of misuse. This depends on several factors, like for example age of a child, it's health condition, economic situation of a country, technological development and the stage of human development.
There are several world organizations that deal with the issues of child labour. We are going to mention two of them: Global Marsh Against Child Labour and International Labour Organisation (ILO). ILO has continually strived to determine standards for the earliest age when children can start working as an initial criteria for defining and regulating the problem of child labour. This Convention, and other documents, determined the youngest age when children can start working. The Convention on the Rights of Child is an important document that sublimed all human rights acknowledge to a special group. Serbia and Montenegro ratified the Convention of the Right of Child. Having in mind actual situation comparing to the goals, it may be concluded that a continual striving and fight for civilized standards is ahead of us.
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