The Contract for the International Sale of Goods, the Vienna Convention, an offer for the conclusion of a contract, the acceptance of the offer, a conclusion of a contractAbstract
The international exchange of goods is done through a contract on the international sale of goods. A conclusion of a contract on the international sale of goods is based primarily on the autonomy of the will of the parties, unless that autonomy of will is limited by the compulsory regulations of the states. All sources of law cited in the paper, such as international conventions, autonomous sources of law and even customs and business ethics, can be changed by the disposition of the will, because they are of a dispositive character. The contracting parties most often agree on the application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, the so-called Vienna Conventions, except in cases where there are general conditions and standard contracts. The Vienna Convention, which is a compromise of continental, Roman and Anglo-Saxon law, is most often contracted. The offer and its acceptance are necessary for the conclusion of the contract, except for standard and formal contracts.
The offer is a final act, and the acceptance of the offer is a statement of the agreement with the offer. The offer must have essential elements of the contract, but it can also have irrelevant elements. By concluding a contract with the application of INCOTERMS clauses, most irrelevant elements of the contract are regulated.
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