
  • Milica Rašević PhD candidate at the Faculty of Law for Commerce and Judiciary, The University Business Academy in Novi Sad, Serbia
  • Marija Jakovljević Belgrade Business and Arts Academy of Applied Studies, Belgrade, Serbia



bankruptcy, bankruptcy proceedings, economic crime, Bankruptcy Law


In modern conditions of business conduct of economic entities, the importance of bankruptcy and a bankruptcy proceedings is unambiguously emphasized. The conditions preceding to bankruptcy as an institute of economic law are a consequence of the economic and financial position of a certain economic entity. At the very beginning, the paper gives a brief overview of the conceptual definition of bankruptcy and its goals. The primary focus of the paper rests on the forms of economic crime in a bankruptcy proceedings, which in part includes a brief overview of the concept and characteristics of economic crime as an extremely complex and important form of modern crime. Having in mind the main subject of the paper, the valid criminal legislation of Republic of Serbia envisages two criminal offenses against the economy which can be committed in connection with and/or relating to bankruptcy. These are causing bankruptcy (from Article 232) and causing false bankruptcy (from Article 232a).


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How to Cite

Rašević, M., & Jakovljević, M. (2022). THE FORMS OF ECONOMIC CRIME IN A BANKRUPTCY PROCEEDINGS . Pravo - Teorija I Praksa, 39(3), 175–186.