
  • Tanja Prastalo The Faculty of Law for Commerce and Judiciary in Novi Sad, The University of Business Academy in Novi Sad


The responsibility of the seller for material shortcomings is a very interesting question for every individual, regardless of whether it is a layman or an expert. The importance is enormous since it is a question of life that everyone meets in everyday life and according to statistical data is one of the most frequently asked questions on the Internet. This is an institute that is characteristic of two-pronged bargaining agreements (eg a sales contract). The protection of interests of both the other party, ie the seller and the buyer, as holders and rights and obligations from the obligation relationship, is provided by the Law on Obligations, as well as the Law on Consumer Protection. More detailed and closer analysis of the protection of the interests of the contracting parties, with particular reference to the responsibility of the employer for material defects will be provided in this paper.


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How to Cite

Prastalo, T. (2018). RESPONSIBILITY OF THE SELLER FOR MATERIAL (PHYSICAL) DEFECTS OF GOODS IN THE LAW OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA. Pravo - Teorija I Praksa, 35(10-12), 87–102. Retrieved from