underage marriage, underage, legal legislation, Republic of Serbia, France, England, Germany, Romania, PolandAbstract
Underage marriages represent a specific form of marriage, established between underage partners, one or both of whom are minors. Underage marriage is a complex social phenomenon that withstands social changes, highlighting the relevance of this topic. The aim of the research of this paper is to look at the legal solutions concerning underage marriage in the Republic of Serbia with special reference to the legislations of France, England, Germany, Romania and Poland. By using the normative method, the authors will analyze the provisions of the most important laws that are relevant to the topic in the mentioned countries, while comparative analysis will reveal similarities and differences on issues related to underage marriage. Drawing on research that has examined the prevalence of underage marriages worldwide, the authors will present these findings to gain insights into the “real-life” situation, i.e., the prevalence of these marriages.
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