language, education, culture, origin, BunjevciAbstract
This paper presents some remarks on the cultural identity of the Bunje people or Bunjevci, a national group that has historically undergone a long and difficult journey in preserving their identity. Their struggle – challenging their very existence and fighting for a “rebirth”, including their re-recognition and the restoration of the rights they have held since their arrival in these regions in the 17th century – warrants a place in academic discourse. Although the Bunjevci have been recognized both as a nation and as significant contributors to numerous social and political events since their settlement in these areas, their existence was completely erased by a political decision in Serbia in the mid-20th century. This paper briefly outlines the key elements of the cultural identity of Bunjevci, which sustained them during a period of figurative exile. These include their origin, language, education, and customs, with particular emphasis on their role in some crucial historical events for Serbia. Each of these aspects deserves greater attention, and through this work, we express the need for deeper exploration of these elements, in order to support the Bunjevci in maintaining their permanent status as a national minority.
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