



working hours, availability time, readiness, vehicle crew working hours


 The working hours of vehicle crews in road transport are regulated by a special jurisdiction – ratione personae. The Law on Working Hours of Vehicle Crews in Road Transport and Tachographs addresses the working hours of vehicle crews differently than the general labor relations framework. A significant difference is that availability time is not considered working time. During availability time, a crew member is entitled to appropriate compensation, as defined by labor regulations, specifically those governing salaries and based on availability time. In this paper, the authors, using the normative and comparative law method, examine the concept and legal nature of availability time for crew members in both domestic and comparative law, as well as the right to compensation for availability time. The authors also propose a more comprehensive regulation of the right to compensation based on availability time.


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How to Cite

Marković, V., & Obradović, D. (2024). AVAILABILITY TIME AND THE RIGHT TO COMPENSATION OF VEHICLE CREW IN ROAD TRANSPORT. Pravo - Teorija I Praksa, 41(4), 102–120. https://doi.org/10.5937/ptp2404102M