The relationship between the private and public law


  • Goran Milojević The University of Business Academy, The Faculty of Law for Commerce and Judiciary, Novi Sad



private law, public law, relationship between concepts, contemporary legal thought, internationalisation of law


The analysis of the relationship between any two concepts, including the relationship between the public and private law, must certainly begin by defining them. The unique definition of the terms public law and private law has not been adopted in the modern legal theory. From the historical point of view, there is also no consensus on the meaning of these terms. The legal practice and a part of the legal theory even negate the need for such a division, pointing out that it is a delimitation of a purely academic nature. This paper will provide a brief historical analysis of the concepts of both the public and private law, as well as the theory of the criteria of their demarcation. Then, there will be present the interdependence of these two notions, according to many authors, considered to be the basic branches of law through several institutes where their scope is intertwined.


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How to Cite

Milojević, G. (2020). The relationship between the private and public law. Pravo - Teorija I Praksa, 37(1), 47–58.